Short, dark and handsome…

Siberian Husky puppy, photo taken February 22nd by our friend Tanya.

This is Newt on his first day outside. He wasn’t that sure about the dead grass and dirt, so I carried him around for a few minutes while he got used to the air and the new smells. He’s growing up to be a very handsome boy with fairly traditional husky coloring. His top coat is dark tipped and his undercoat is fluffy and white. He’s a sweetheart who loves to play and wrestle with his sisters and brother. Newt isn’t much of a barker but we definitely hear from him when he’s hungry! These days he’s a little more adventurous in the backyard, just this morning he stayed outside with his mom and dad when the other puppies went inside for a nap.

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Picture Perfect!

ImageSiberian Husky puppies, photo taken February 22nd by our friend Tanya.

Four of the five puppies stayed still long enough for this picture to be taken, the unnamed one jumped out as soon as I set the basket down. In front from the left it’s Newt, the supermodel and Javier. La bella Farnese is hanging out in the back. They are the sweetest little babies – they run up to greet you, lick your face and tug on your shoelaces.

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Javier in a Basket

Siberian Husky puppy, photo taken February 22nd by our friend Tanya.

Javier spots something worth chasing… he’s the most experienced of the puppies being outside. This was his third trip onto the (dead) grass and he wanted to explore all the leaves and sticks and smells. The changes in his mask are looking a little like… Eddie Munster?

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First Trip to the Vet

Female Siberian Husky puppy, photo taken February 24th.

The unnamed one huddles in the corner of the examination room, waiting her turn to be poked and prodded.

Siberian husky puppies, photo taken February 24th.

It took two vet techs to wrangle all five puppies. Here, one of them brings an armful of three to the examintation table. From left it’s Javier, la bella Farnese and the supermodel. Everyone was exhausted after getting their temperatures taken, their nails trimmed and their first booster shot!

Female Siberian Husky puppy, photo taken February 24th.

The smallest puppy in the litter, la bella Farnese, steps on the scale at the veterinary office. She weighed in at 8.4 pounds… everyone else was over nine.  No wonder my biceps are beginning to bulge!

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Expectant little faces…

Siberian Husky puppies, photo taken week of February 19th.

Little faces waiting for food and water. From front Newt, la bella Farnese and the unnamed one.

At front, from left are the supermodel, Newt and la bella Farnese. As usual, Javier stands alone.

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The Playground

Siberian husky puppies, photo taken week of February 12th.

Three of the five puppies born on January 8, 2012 play together in their whelping box. At about five weeks old, they’re beginning to teethe and want to play with anything hard and chewable. From left is Javier (last born, second male), the unnamed one (third born, second female) and Newt (first born, first male).

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Those were the salad days…

Male Siberian Husky adult with female puppy, photo taken May 2011.

This picture of Ivan (father) and Esme (mother) was taken the day she joined our family… they liked each other right away! She was small and a little tired from her long journey to New Jersey, but still curious enough for a quick stroll through the backyard.

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It’s Zoolander… doggy-style!

Male Siberian Husky, photo taken spring 2011 by our friend Tanya.

Because, as Derek reminds us, there’s more to life than being very, very, very, ridiculously good looking. Ivan (sire) is a lean Siberian husky with a lush light-red coat, icy-blue eyes and a light nose. A very handsome boy!!

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Snow Addict

Light-red male Siberian husky, photo taken winter 2011.

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The Joy of Running

Light-red male Siberian Husky, photo taken spring 2011 by our friend Tanya.

Watching Ivan (sire) run is a constant reminder that huskies were originally bred to run and pull sleds. He loves to race around, chasing balls and toys and other dogs. He’s graceful, agile, fast and happy when he runs! He’s friendly and non-threatening to other dogs, and even though he’s very quiet he’s also fairly social… maintaining relationships with a live-in girlfriend, the bitch that pre-dated her and a few bromances. Ha ha ha…

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